Let me introduce myself: my name is Alyssa Nicole. Currently 24 years old - born a Hoosier, raised a Charlestonian. I graduated with a BA in English and Creative Writing from the College of Charleston. I currently teach 7th Grade ELA. I share a home with my boyfriend, Sebastian, and our pup, Denali. This blog is an attempt to document life and all its adventures.

I love: naps, binge-watching crime TV, color-coding my planner, almond milk lattes, cats, otters, young adult literature, spa days, cold air, spicy Pho, memes, tattoos, cocktails, Target.

I hate: weird clusters of holes (I think there's a name for that), throwing up, spiders, driving long distances, that penguins can't fly, dry skin, oily skin, not being able to sleep, back pain, rude people, lactose intolerance.

I need: a vacation, a back rub, more tattoos, a million dollars, a new cookware set, and really - I need a vacation.

Stick around to see just what life has in store.

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